

Blogger Recognition Award!

Hello! I've been nominated for yet another blogger's award, this one being the Blogger Recognition Award! I was nominated by Tasya @ The Literary Huntress so thank you so much for nominating me! Now let's see what this one is all about :)

Here are the rules! 
1. Select 15 other blogs to give this award to. 
2. Write a post to show off your award. (Brief story of how your blog started and advice to new bloggers)
3. Comment on each blog to let them know you've nominated them. 
4. Provide a link to the original post, which is found at Edge of Night

My show-off award post: 
Honestly, I didn't even think anyone read anything on my blog, let alone decide to nominate me for an award, so I'm flattered -no matter how small it may be. I started this blog a few years ago in order to express my thoughts and feelings about the books I've been reading, or really just anything book-related. I don't personally know people who are interested in reading and for those who do like to read, they're not too interested in talking about it or they just don't read the same book that I do. So I thought it would be a good idea to write everything up, just so I can get it out. I feel like I'm talking to people when I write posts - even if no one's reading, it helps me to organise my thoughts.

I wrote reviews of books I've read and posted them on Amazon and Goodreads, and found that people were finding my reviews really helpful - so those got added to my blog... and here we are today. Add a few tags and discussion posts, and YA Book Space is complete. (For now).

My advice? 
If you're just starting a new blog or you're thinking about it you have to understand that you won't become famous overnight (if at all). You won't get comments, you won't get many views and it'll feel really lonely at times. You'll wonder what the point of it all is- but don't let that get you down. Start a blog because it's right for you, do it because you want to whether or not people view it. And yeah, eventually the views and comments will come in- but it'll take some time. Just don't get disheartened.

*Honestly, I have no idea what advice to give- I'm pretty much a new blogger myself. 

I will tag.... 
  1. Liz @ Planet Print
  2. Quinn @ Quinns' Book Nook
  3. Rachel @ Rachel Writes Things
  4. Ely & Michelle @ Tea & Titles
  5. Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
  6. Jodie @ Words Read and Written
  7. Amanda @ Good in the Stacks
  8. Joli @ Actin' Up with Books
  9. Cee @ The Novel Hermit
  10. Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books
  11. Nicole @ Books and Starlight
  12. Samantha @ Lost Beyond the Wall
  13. Kim & Cyn @ Book Munchies
  14. Shayna @ Bibliophilials
  15. Silvara @ Dragons Silver


  1. Thank you so much! :D

    I really need to grab a Rainbow Rowell. I feel so out of the loop!

  2. Thankyou so much for nominating us here at Tea and Titles :)
