

Top 10 Tuesday!

Again, I completely forgot to do it yesterday, so we're having a Top 10 Tuesday/Wednesday kind of post today! Sorry about that xD

Anyway, what's the topic today?

Top 10 Series I Haven't Finished!

Woa I could do a top 100 of  these!

1. Beautiful Creatures
Yeah, that was weird. I have no interest in continuing it, I don't even think I finished the first book to be fair!

2. The 5th Wave
I don't really know why I don't want to continue with it, but I just don't right now. Maybe I will in the future, but I honestly have no interest in it.

3. Penryn and the End of Days
I tried to read the final book but I completely forgot what happened in the first two and I really don't want to re-read them, so yeah.

4. Throne of Glass Series
Yeah no. It's not a secret that I'm not into this. It's a no from me.

5. Delirium 
I didn't even finish the first book, I just thought it was terrible.

6. Unwind 
I really loved this series, but since I've found theres another book, I was a bit baffled. I would like to know what happens - and I probably wouldn't mind re-reading the first 3 so I can read the last one, but right now, that's not going to happen. Maybe one day.

7. House of Night series
This series was just a joke, I read a good amount of those books a few years ago but it's still going on (I think? Has it finished yet?) and it just got really really ridiculous.

8. Matched 
I read the first one and my only thought was BORING. I felt like nothing happened and have no interest in wasting any more time on the rest of the trilogy.

9. Bloodlines
I loved the Vampire Academy series, but I just couldn't get into its spin-off.

10. Percy Jackson
Yeah, I liked the first few books but then I just got a little fed up with them? I read all but one. "WHAT?" You scream. "Why not just read the last one and be done with it?" Well.. I would, but I just have a lot more books that I really want to read. You know? Too many books, not enough time. I just don't think it's as great as everone makes it out to be.


  1. I actually liked Matched... But I thought the second book was terrible, so it's probably a good thing you gave up! As for Percy Jackson, I don't understand you. The last book is one of the best!! :)

    1. Hahahaha a lot of people have said that! PJ just doesn't interest me anymore, so I doubt I'll ever go back to it :(

  2. I know what you mean about the House of Night series! It's so annoying when books are dragged on - the same happened with The Vampire Diaries. I stopped reading the books and just watched the TV show!

    1. Yeah it's overkill! Sometimes series are much better short and sweet :')

  3. DD: I love Percy Jackson! You should finish it :3 But if it isn't for you, it isn't for you. I read all of Matched, but now I realise that those were some bad books >> I was never going to finish the House of Night series, I read book one and then was too bored. And there are far too many of them! I read the first Beautiful Creatures book but it was slow and boring so I don't know about starting book two. Some of these just didn't work for you I guess...

    My recent review:

    1. Haha I actually liked the House of Night series at the beginning (I was young and naive!) but it dragged on so much, I couldn't take it!

  4. I have a few of these waiting to be read (signed so fingers crossed I like them). I feel the same way about the Throne of Glass series, I always hear people talk about it and think about continuing but I just can't.

    1. Ooh hope you like them more than I did! Haha I'm glad I'm not alone! I feel like everyone and their mother's loves the Throne of Glass series!

  5. I haven't picked up the second 5th Wave book, either. Delirium was awful, and the next books even worse. Angelfall's a great book, World After was pretty good, and the final one was atrocious! I didn't finish Matched, haha. Great list!

    1. Hahah yes! What a great taste in books you've got ;)

  6. I would like to read more in the Unwind series. I really enjoyed the first book but never got further than there! I kind of thought the same things as you with both Delirium and Matched - they just weren't amazing books that made you want to read more.

    All Things Bookish – Jade Louise

  7. I'm with you - Beautiful Creatures was quite a task to finish! I've actually been hearing some good reviews about Penryn and The End of Days, and I'm considering picking it up soon.

  8. The rest of the Matched Trilogy is way worse than the first book. The final one just drags on and on. I quit Percy Jackson in the middle of the second book.
