


My first ever pre-ordered book HAS arrived. I am so excited to read this, but I'm also sad, because it means one of my favourite series ever is now finished.

I'm surprised at the size of it, by other people's pictures, I didn't expect it to be so big, but that's a good thing. That just means a lot is going to go down.

If you haven't started the Lunar Chronicles Series, now would be the best time to do it. Marathon those books, you'll have the time of your life. Trust me.

I might re-read Cinder, Scarlett and Cress before I read this.. but that would require me to wait longer than I already have and I don't know if I have the willpower for that. Reading series before all the books have come out is a major problem for me, but that's a discussion for another day!

1 comment:

  1. I finally read Cinder recently and loved it! I'm really excited to read the rest of the series! I'm just sad I didn't find The Lunar Chronicles sooner! Happy Wednesday! :)
