

Top 10 Tuesday

So we're back for another Top 10 Tuesday! This weeks topic is "10 Characters You Just Didn't Click With!" This should be a fairly easy one, I'm so fussy with the characters that I read about. I usually have an issue with all of them and I know for a fact there are a lot of them that I just didn't click with. So let's get into it!

1. Peeta from The Hunger Games trilogy 
I don't know why I didn't like him. I just didn't get along with him. I can't even tell you the exact specific reasoning behind it, seeing as it's so long since I read the books but I guess I just didn't feel the chemistry between him and Katniss. It just didn't seem right to me. He was a little bland.

2. Jude from I'll Give You The Sun 
I just finished this book so it's clear in my head and from the start I didn't like her. I knew why and my opinion changed over time but there was still something about her that just wouldn't let me click with her.

3. Celaena from Throne of Glass 
It's not a secret that I didn't like her. It's not even a secret that I didn't much enjoy that book either. I found her to be irritating and just plain pathetic. And I know I'm not alone on that one.

4. Tris  from Divergent 
I don't know why, but I really found it hard to get along with her. I think the series as a whole would have been a lot better without her. She just annoyed me for some reason. *I know, what a pathetic excuse, but I just can't pinpoint it.*

5. Lara Jean from To All The Boys I've Loved Before 
I thought she was childish, I didn't understand her at all. She's not someone I'd like to know in real life and I think that rubs off on the characters I like to read about too. That happens right?

6. Margo from Paper Towns
What can I say about Margo. I just didn't get her at all. I don't even know what the point of her charcter was, why the whole book happened is still a mystery to me. I didn't care about her. And that's that.

7. America from The Selection 
This girl is the most indecisive person I've ever come across and GOD did it get on my nerves. It really did. She was so pathetic, it actually hurt. I was literally begging her to just make a decision.

8. Mia from If I Stay 
Her whole persona didn't seem realistic to me. I didn't understand her passion for music, I didn't click with her at all. When she was in the process of deciding, to stay or not, I didn't care. I couldn't connect with her and I felt very little towards her.

9. Charlie from the Perks of Being a Wallflower
The first time I read that book, I didn't really understand what all the fuss was about. I didn't understand Charlie at all, and he was a complex character so it's understandable not to understand him (if ya know what I mean) but I didn't see the point of the book because of him. I couldn't really relate to him at all and it was hard to connect and to click with him.

10. Bella from Twilight. 
Can I make this list and not include her? I couldn't stand her, she lacked personality. She was just a girl without any substance. Just a body. 

This was actually harder than I thought! Do you agree with my choices? What characters couldn't you click with?


  1. I don't know if I'll have time to write my TTT today or not, but I can tell you that five characters from your list made it on my rough draft. I also didn't click with Peeta, Tris, Mia, Charlie, or Bella. Better luck next time, kids. Or not. Probably not. :)

  2. Ah, finally.... Someone else who didn't connect with Margo! I didn't really get her, she was just, just.... A character called Margot.
    It's no secret I love Throne of Glass, and I didn't hate Twilight so I disagree with those two, but other than that, I have to agree!

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Bookish Blog!

    1. Oh no! Don't get me wrong, I loved Twilight! I was obsessed when I was younger:') I just really didn't like Bella at all!

      Glad you agree with Margo though! I've actually seen her on quite a few lists!

  3. Nice list! I felt the same way about Tris. I just couldn't connect with her.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  4. I'm glad we agree on Margo and Bella!! I see where you're coming from with Tris, although I loved her. haha. Great list!

  5. Tris made my list as well! I didn't instantly click with Celaena in Throne of Glass, but having read the other books in the series, I like her a lot more now than I did in the first book.
    My TTT:

  6. Bella was just UGH, I was also screaming at America to make a decision (that could have been made in ONE BOOK) I read TPOBAW for my first time a few months ago and I didn't connect with Charlie either. I was just very separated from those characters. I thought Margo was an absolute brat.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
