

Changers: Drew - T. Cooper and Allison Glock

Changers: Over - T.Cooper and Allison Glock 
"Changers Book One: Drew opens on the eve of Ethan Miller's freshman year of high school in a brand-new town. He's finally sporting a haircut he doesn’t hate, has grown two inches since middle school, and can't wait to try out for the soccer team. At last, everything is looking up in life.

Until the next morning. When Ethan awakens as a girl.

Ethan is a Changer, a little-known, ancient race of humans who live out each of their four years of high school as a different person. After graduation, Changers choose which version of themselves they will be forever--and no, they cannot go back to who they were before the changes began..." - Goodreads

I received this book from the Publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was a little bit disappointed with this book. I thought the premise of it sounded amazing, right up my street, but the execution of it just wasn't as great as I was hoping. I love the whole 'person wakes up in different body' stories, I think they're so interesting, but if it's not executed well, it's just a bit of a shambles!
My biggest issue was how quickly Ethan took to becoming Drew. I mean, if I were a boy and woke up as a girl, I would completely freak out and there's no way I would suddenly just turn into a girl with a girl's mentality. Ethan became Drew and as far as we knew before becoming her, he was straight - but as Drew he found himself falling in love with a guy. So according to this book, if you change into a girl, you become attracted to men and I'm assuming, vice versa. Although she did seem to have a thing for a her bestfriend Audrey, too so maybe they're building up to the issues with switching genders and gender norms, and sexuality etc. It wasn't mentioned, and I thought it would be. I hoped it would be. 

Throughout reading the book, I did find parts boring and lost interest for a while but I pushed through. I enjoyed it enough to continue and I could see where the authors wanted the story to go in the upcoming books, I hope it does improve from them as I am interested in continuing the series. I'm curious, I want to know what happens. 

A final issue I had about the book was the dialogue. I get that they're in high school, I undertand that but I had a hard time coming to terms with teenagers who speak like that. The dialogue reminded me of the Bratz movie, or Barbie or something similar: "This is a party for cool people"... Really? I'm just going to leave that open, you guys can make up your mind whether this is normal or not.

Overall, it was okay. I would have preferred if it took a different approach, but it didn't so... It's weird because I would read the next in the series, I would finish the entire series. So, it wasn't good but it wasn't bad and I would continue reading. That's my summary. I'm not sure I can recommend it though! I rated this 3* on Goodreads!


  1. Ugh, sorry this one flopped! I agree that it had a great sounding premise.

  2. Who doesn't hate it when they're disappointed by a book? Have a great day x

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Bookish Blog!
