


Hello reader friends, I've been tagged by the lovely Rachel from Rachel Rambling On to do this tag! Not sure who started it, so if anyone does know, leave a comment and I'll include it here!

I absolutely love doing tags, so I'm super excited that I was actually tagged in this one (for once!). Anyway, I'll shutup now!


1. Read only series or standalones? 
Ooh I love reading a mixture of series and standalones. Sometimes you need a standalone as a break/filler before starting another series otherwise it's just too heavy. But if I have to choose I'll go with only reading series. I prefer the detail and the development that you usually get when there are more books in the story.

2. Read only female or male authors?
I really don't want to pick one, I'm going to be honest and say I don't really look at who wrote the particular books I read, nor do I care for their gender. So I'm cheating and not answering this!

3. Shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?
Considering we don't have B&N here in the UK, I think Amazon wins by default! I do love Amazon though, so I probably would have picked that over B&N or our equivalent (I think!?) Waterstones.

4. All books become movies or TV Shows?
Hm. I'm not really a fan of book to movie/tv adaptations but sometimes if they're done right, they can be really good! (Silver Linings Playbook, I'm looking at you!). Although it's not often that books that are turned into movies are done well and I feel that there's a lot more room for including little details and all aspects of the plot if they were to become TV Shows. Whether I would watch them or not is a different story.

5. Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
If I had nothing else to do in life then definitely 5 books per week, but other than that I don't see how that's possible! Honestly though, with the rate I've been going recently, 5 pages per day is a lot more than what I read now. Oops. Damn reading slump.

6. Be a professional reviewer or author?
Definitely a professional reviewer. I would hate to write books. Shocking I know! But I love reading them and talking about them, judging them and it's a lot easier for me to critique someone else's work, in both good and bad ways than it would be for me to write a good novel.

7. Only read your top 20 favorite books over and over or always read new ones that you haven’t read before?
Always read new ones. I'm not a big fan of re-reading books, I think the only books I would happily read over and over are the Harry Potter ones so I'd be a bit devastated if I couldn't do that. I love discovering new worlds and characters, and I'm always looking for my next favourite book!

8. Be a librarian or book seller?
I personally really don't like libraries. I don't know why, I just associate them with running late for Uni assignments and stress. Obviously, libraries are more than that, but being a book seller would just be so much more fun - I love recommending books, and talking to people about which books they should/shouldn't read, so that fits me a little better. Final answer: Book seller!

9. Only read your favorite genre or every genre except your favourite?
Well, I don't really have a favourite genre, I tend to go through phases where I switch but if I did, I would choose reading every genre except my favourite - my tastes change ALL the time, and there's just so much more variety that way!

10. Only read physical books or ebooks?
Ebooks. I know, I'm the only person in the whole bookish community that prefers reading Ebooks. I find that I can get through a book much quicker, and can read it much more comfortably than if I had to hold up a massive book for hours at a time. Physical books generally take me longer to read and my arms are not thankful by the end of it.

I absolutely loved doing this book tag! How would you answer these?! I'm not going to tag anyone, cos I'm just too lazy but if you want to do this, then go for it and say I tagged you! No one will know ;)

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