

January 2016 Wrap Up!

Hey readers, I'm attempting to keep up-to-date with all of my TBRs and Wrap Ups this year, so if you'd like to remind me to do them, I'd be grateful! I'm just kidding. I will try every month! 

Now, on my TBR for this month, I aimed to read 3 books (how adventurous of me), which is exactly what I did. I had such an amazing start to the month, I read the books that I wanted to and aimed to read a lot more than 3, but life and uni just got in the way! 

The first book that I read of the year was;
Soundless - Richelle Mead: Click to read my review!
I wasn't a fan of this one, I wanted a lot more than what I was given! But it was still readable, I just wished there was a sequel (or 3!).

The second book I read in January was;
The Wrath & The Dawn - Renee Ahdieh: Click to read my review! 
I really enjoyed reading this, but I had such high expectations and I don't think they were met. This book was seriously over-hyped and that definitely had an impact on how I felt about it after reading it. Had it not been so hyped up, I would have thought this was great- but my expectations were literally through the roof! I'm still unsure of whether or not I want to read the sequel, although I do think this is a case where the second book may be better!

The final book I read this month was;
Prisoner of Night and Fog - Anne Blankman: Click to read my review!
I enjoyed this book so much, it was definitely my favourite book of this month, although it doesn't really have much competition! I am fascinated by anything Nazi Germany so it's really not a surprise that I had a good time reading this. I would love to read the sequel, but I'm not sure I like where the story seems to have gone so I'm uncertain of whether or not I will pick it up!

I'm currently reading TRAGEDY GIRL - CHRISTINE HURLEY DERISO so a review of that is definitely coming your way soon (I hope!).

I do hope my February will be a little more productive, reading wise, but I do have assignment deadlines so I doubt it'll be any better than this month!

Look out for my February TBR in the next few days!

Did you have a good reading month? Did you meet your goals? Let me know!


  1. I read The Wrath and the Dawn in the summer, and I really liked it! I agree though - the hype only keeps getting bigger, and I think it might be a little over-hyped if you're just starting to read it now. I haven't read Soundless yet, but I've heard it's not great from a few people, so I don't know if I'm going to read it.

    I hope you manage to read loads of great books in February! ☺
    Denise | The Bibliolater

    1. I definitely think Soundless is worth a try if you're intrigued at the concept, but it definitely left me feeling unsatisfied!

  2. I really enjoyed The Wrath and the Dawn but I read it before the hype started gathering momentum. I also enjoyed The Prisoner of Night and Fog - and I don't normally enjoy reading historical fiction especially WWII historical fiction. I haven't read Soundless and it looks like that is quite alright. Look forward to your February reads.

    bookfin, #yabookchat moderator

    1. That's great! Soundless is an okay read, I don't think I'd recommend it though!

  3. I really loved The Wrath and The Dawn, it was the first book I read this year. I can see why it's not for everyone though, especially with all the hype! I think I'm getting Prisoner of Night and Fog next month for my birthday and I could not be more excited! I've really gotten into historical fiction lately so I've been eyeing it up for about a month now haha :D
    - Ashleigh @

  4. I have wanted to read The Wrath And The Dawn for ages! I have seen quite a few mixed reviews on it and i think that's why I'm so intrigued to read it! definitely going to pick it up from a shop soon:) I hope february is a good reading month for you!
    - Jade, xx

  5. I haven't read any of this book, but I've heard not so good things about Soundless and amazing things for the others. Have an amazing February!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress
