

February 2016 TBR!

Hello! Keeping up the new-found tradition of monthly TBR's and Wrap Up's, I've got a February TBR (which I still haven't actually thought about yet..) that you may just enjoy reading! 

I'm going to jump right into it. I've got about 40minutes before I have to leave to go back home, so I'm trying to type real fast! Brb while I go and do some research, I only know 2 of the books I want to read this month! 

Last month was a bit of a rubbish month, I completed my TBR but I was planning to go beyond that (there was only 3 books on it after all!). I didn't manage to read any more than 3, and I doubt this month I'll read much more than that either. I've got about 3 assignment deadlines all at the same time so it might be a slow reading month for me but we'll see! 

ANYWAY. I won't keep you waiting any longer! 

The first book on my TBR is actually one that I'm currently reading (shh it's not cheating!) which is: 
Not If I See You First - Eric Lindstrom is about a girl (Parker) who's blind and is going through life, just the same as the rest of us. That's pretty much all I wanna say without spoiling it. I'm about halfway through this already and I'm loving it! So I definitely recommend this! 

The second book that I want to read in the month of February is one that I've been meaning to pick up for a long time but I just never did. With the sequel being released at the end of the month, I thought it was about time I got started! And that book is: 
A Darker Shade of Magic - V.E. Schwab which I believe is about time-travelling, magic and two different parts (Red and Grey) of parallel-universe, London. That's about all I know, I'm not even sure if that's right to be honest! I've heard so many good things about this book, so I can't wait to get started. I'm not a big fan of time-travelling, but I will give it a chance and see if this concept can convert me! 

Finally, the book that I definitely want to get to this month is: 

Ugly - Margaret McHeyzer which is a book that I received from NetGalley. It follows a girl who I think is dealing with suicidal thoughts and depression. A little more of dark YA/NA book, to end the month on but these types of books are usually the most thought-provoking and the books that bring out the most emotion in me! 

There you have it guys, that's my TBR for this month. I think I like the idea of sticking to 3 definite books to read and if I have time to read more (usually in the summer) I can just add them on to my Wrap Ups and feel really chuffed with myself! 

What are you planning on reading this February? 

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog🤓
    I've bought:
    Circles of Life by Anna Aizic- paperback
    Follow me by Angela Clark - kindle
    Dying to be thin by Lola Blake. - kindle
