

March Wrap-Up and APRIL TBR 2016!

I thought March was an awful reading month, but it honestly wasn't too bad. I'm pleasantly surprised. 

Last month, I read a grand total of 3 books. Yep, you heard right.. 3 whole books! Amazing. Can you sense my sarcasm? 

Anyway, let's just get into it! 

The first book that I read in March was A Gathering of Shadows - V.E. Schwab

My review can be found HERE
I absolutely adored this book. I preferred it to the first one, it was incredible. I would highly highly recommend this series. 

The second book I read was... Glass Sword - Victoria Aveyard 
*Review to come* 
I liked this book, but not as much as I liked the first book (Red Queen). I enjoyed the first book because it kind of put together everything I loved from other books, into one book. I thought this book was okay, but nothing special. It was good and I really did enjoy it, but it wasn't great. 

Finally, the last book I read in March was White Noise - Tanya Lisle 
My review is HERE
This book was a huge NOPE for me. It definitely had potential and I was excited to see where it would go, but it read like a first draft and was a little bit all over the place. It was definitely interesting and a perfect quick read when you're in-between books but it was just not executed very well. 

So there you have my Wrap-Up. March was an okay month, I didn't get to the other two books that I wanted to read but I did okay. I'm hoping April will be much better and hopefully there'll even be a 5* book in there! 

Now for my TBR. 

1. Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo 

I'm currently reading this book and it's okay so far. I'm not sure if I'm really into it as much as I thought I'd be, but I haven't really sat and read it for a long periods so I just haven't gotten into it. I'm planning to stay up tonight and kill a hundred pages or so! We'll see how it goes. 

2. Lady Midnight - Cassandra Clare 
I also started reading this book but put it down for Six of Crows. Oops. I used to really like Cassandra Clare's books, though I'd never admit it (shh!). I'm not a fan of her as an author, but her books are weirdly interesting and satisfy my guilty pleasure needs. I didn't really get into this, I don't think it's as good as her other series but I'm willing to at least finish it before I make any more opinions. 

3. The Awakened - Sara Elizabeth Santana 
I believe this is a zombie book. I've never read a zombie novel. I like zombies. I'm hoping this is good. 

There you have it folks! Did you have a good reading month in March? What are you planning on reading in April? Let me know in the comments! 

1 comment:

  1. It’s good to know that you liked A Gathering of Shadows. I’m getting that one as soon as my book-buying ban is over.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
