

This Savage Song - V.E. Schwab

Title: This Savage Song
Author: V.E. Schwab
Series: Monsters of Verity
Publisher: Titan Books
Date Published: 5th July 2016
Pages: 464
Source: ARC
Kate Harker and August Flynn's families rule opposite ends of Verity, a grisly metropolis where violent acts summon real monsters: bloodsucking Malchai; clawing Corsai; and soul-stealing Sunai. The truce that keeps the families at peace is crumbling, and August is sent to spy on Kate. But when Harker's men try to kill her and pin it on the Flynns, August and Kate find themselves running from both sides, in a city where monsters are real... - Goodreads
A copy of this book was sent to me by Titan Books in exchange for an honest review.

Oh. My. God. Okay, so I actually finished this on the 6th June and thought great, I can post a review on release day. BUT nope that didn't happen because I honestly had no idea how I was going to write this. Let me attempt this okay:

From the first few pages I knew that this was going to be a book that I would end up loving and I wasn't wrong. It was intriguing to start with, the writing pulled me in and didn't let go until the final page. The concept is so interesting. I usually hate novellas but I could honestly do with a whole bunch of these, I'd love to see this world from different view points. The best thing about this book was that both of the main characters, Kate and August, were so so likeable which is becoming a rare thing lately so it was refreshing to have two great characters to follow. I found that I enjoyed reading both POV's and wasn't wishing one would end so we could get back to the other one.

I'm reading through the notes I made on Goodreads and they're honestly not helping, all I know now is that around halfway through something crazy happened and I was just 'omg-ing'. But there's something else I can mention, a lot happened and now that I think back to it, it was a little bit predictable and has been done in a lot of books but it was great whilst reading and it really worked well with the story and the world.

The monsters were so interesting, I really need to learn more about them though! More details. I've actually never really read anything with monsters in but I loved it. I thought I wouldn't, but I did. It's just great. I'm so happy.

Schwab's writing like always was perfect, I have a feeling that this wouldn't have been nearly as good as it was if someone else had written it. Well actually, it probably would be. I just love her writing so much, she's probably the only author I would 'auto-buy' from.

I loved the little twist at the end, even if I did kind of see it coming. But I'm so so so excited for the next one, I want it in my hands right now. I have a feeling it's going to be AMAZING.

Overall, I hated this book. Haha no obviously I'm kidding. It was a 5* read for me. I would even read it again (and I rarely ever re-read books)..

Have I made you want to read this? Have you already read it? Let me know your thoughts! 

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