Author: Rebecca Muddiman
Series: Gardner and Freeman
Publisher: Mulholland Books
Date Published: 10th March 2016
Pages: 412
Source: ARC
"What would you do to protect your family?This book was sent to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review!
Tell a lie?
Break the law?
Or solve the problem... for good?
The body in Lauren James's back garden belongs to her ex-boyfriend, Ritchie. DI Gardner thinks it's an open-and-shut case. But he reckoned without the interference of Lauren's father, local businessman and aspiring politician Walter James. And he couldn't know about the secrets that everyone involved wants to hide. When a murder touches so many lives, not even the cops are immune from the consequences. In the end you must decide what you can live with: a loving lie or the deadly truth?" - Goodreads
I'm a sucker for murder mystery novels, but I haven't read that many so when I found this book sitting in my letter box, I was ecstatic. The premise of the book wasn't really anything different, seemed pretty standard to me so I'm not going to lie, I wasn't really expecting anything mind-blowing.
The whole 'big powerful man who can bend the law to his will' is kind of typical, and nothing original. It wasn't unique in any way and didn't make me jump for joy at the thought of reading about it. It was just meh.
The characters were also pretty average, I think my favourite was DI Gardner. He was just a no-bullshit, find out who 'dunnit' kind of person. Everyone else was either corrupt or boring and I didn't really care for them.
There are two separate stories that take place in this novel, and naturally, they both intertwine. It was predictable and the second story (with Freeman) was boring to say the least.
Overall, it was interesting to read but it wasn't breathtaking, it wasn't something unique and it was kind of just a time-passer for me. It was good, but I'm sure there are much much better books of a similar kind out there. I rated this book 2* on Goodreads!
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