

City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare (#6 The Mortal Instruments)

This book. God oh god. I think this has to be my favourite book out of the whole series.
I haven't been reading as much because I've had exams (which just ended so I'm back!) but this book got me back into reading, and the books that do that to you are definitely the most memorable.

IF you haven't read the first 5 books of this series, then I suggest you come back later when you have because I don't want to spoil anyone.

Another thing I'll say, is that if you haven't read the Infernal Devices series, then READ THAT BEFORE YOU READ COHF OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE SPOILED SO BADLY.

This review isn't going to have spoilers of the book.

Okay, so woah. Honestly, the first thing I have to say about this book is that it's just SO funny. All the one liners that Clare throws in just literally make the book. I can't tell you the amount of times I've burst out laughing in the middle of the night whilst reading this. (We can thank Simon and Jace for those great one liners).

Simon oh Simon.
His character has just grown so much from the first book, I love who he's become. But God did this boys fate really break my heart.
Although I'm glad that there were no major deaths in this book, from all the hype about the '6 deaths' that were supposed to take place, I'm just happy things ended how they did.
Simon is my favourite character, and he really made this book something so special.

The writing as always is flawless.
The length of the book was perfect, not too short, not too long.
All the loose ends were tied up.
It was fast-paced and things were always happening so there was rarely time to get bored.

The only problem I did have with this book, was all the lovey-dovey romance scenes.
I totally understand that most YA books have this but meh, I guess it's just personal preference, I think the Clary/Jace love scenes went on for too long, they just made me want to vom.
I loved the Simon/Izzy love scenes though (if you could call it that, they're both so snarky!).

Overall, I loved this book so much.
I want to thank Cassandra Clare for creating this series.
I want to thank her for creating another series after this in the Shadowhunter world because I think I would have died if I didn't know that was coming.


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