

What Are You Reading Wednesdays!

So to add to my weekly meme series' I've decided to do this meme for Wednesdays, created by: itsareadingthing

This is where I write:
1. What I'm currently reading
2. A complete sentence from the 34th page / 34% in said book.
3. Whether or not I'd like to live in the world this book is set in.

So let's get started.
1. I'm currently reading Wonder - RJ Palacio. 
2. So technically, this isn't just one sentence, but who cares, I had to put it all in.
-- "But I really liked Jack," I said. "He was like, 'Shut up, Julian!' And Charlotte was like, "You're so rude, Julian!'" -- I really like that sentence. Auggie was happy when he was saying this, he was enjoying his new friends and his life, for once. It's such a hopeful thing and it must feel so normal for him, to be able to relay a conversation to his mum about what happened in school, and for it to be a semi-good conversation and to make him smile. I love it.
3. Well, this book is set in the real world, which I do currently live in- but if I had a choice, I think I'd go to a different world.

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